Kamis, 30 Juni 2016

Logitech PTZ Pro Camera

Logitech PTZ Pro Camera 

Logitech PTZ Pro Camera, Jual Logitech PTZ Pro Camera, Jual Logitech Camera, Harga Logitech PTZ Pro Camera

The Logitech PTZ Pro Camera is a premium USB-enabled HD 1080p PTZ video camera for use in conference rooms, education, health care and other professional video workspaces. The Logitech PTZ Pro Camera features a wide 90° fild of view, 10x lossless full HD zoom, ZEISS optics with autofocus, smooth mechanical 260° pan and 130° tilt, H.264 UVC 1.5 with Scalable Video Coding (SVC), remote control, far-end camera control 1 plus multiple presets and camera mounting options for custom installation. Set-up is a snap with plug-and-play simplicity and a single USB cable-to-host connection. Leading business certifiations—Certified for Skype for Business, Optimized for Lync, Skype certified, Cisco Jabber and WebEx compatible—ensure an integrated experience with most business-grade UC applications.

Tech Specs Logitech PTZ Pro Camera

Logitech PTZ Pro Camera, Jual Logitech PTZ Pro Camera, Jual Logitech Camera, Harga Logitech PTZ Pro Camera

• HD 1080p video quality at 30 frames/second
• H.264 UVC 1.5 with Scalable Video Coding (SVC)
• 90° Field of View
• Motorized 260° pan, 130° tilt and full HD 10X lossless zoom controlled from remote
• 3 camera preset positions + home positionbutton
• PTZ far-end camera control of ConferenceCam products in supported apps
• ZEISS® optics with autofocus
• Kensington security slot
• LED to confim video streaming
• Standard tripod thread
• Camera mount, table or wall

Remote Control
• 10-foot range

Rabu, 29 Juni 2016

Logitech USB Headset H650e

Logitech USB Headset H650e

Logitech USB Headset H650e,  Jual Headset Logitech H650e, Harga Logitech Headset H650e

The Logitech USB Headset H650e, available in mono and stereo versions, delivers enterprise-quality audio and clever productivity-enhancing features for all-day productivity. An in-call LED lights up during a call to help prevent accidental interruptions and acoustic echo cancellation and a noise-cancelling microphone help eliminate background distractions in noisy workspaces.

Logitech USB Headset H650e,  Jual Headset Logitech H650e, Harga Logitech Headset H650e

Features Logitech USB Headset H650e :

• In-call LED indicator light1
• Flexible microphone boom
• Quick-access inline controller
• Optimized for Microsoft® Lync™; Cisco® compatible2;
Compatible with most leading UC platforms
• Flat no-tangle cable
• Dynamic equalizer
• Acoustic echo cancelation and noise-cancelling microphone
• Wideband audio
• Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
• Logitech Sound Protection
• Padded leatherette headband and replaceable leatherette ear pads
• Contemporary, ultra-lightweight design
• Strong TR90 nylon construction
• Cloth zipper bag included
• Plug-and-play USB connectivity

Technical Specifications Logitech USB Headset H650e

Microphone: (Tx)
• Type: Bi-directional ECM
• Frequency response: 100 Hz - 10 KHZ
• Sensitivity: -45 dB +3 dB
• Distortion: <10 15dbpa="" br="" input="" khz="">• Operating voltage: 1.4 - 5.0V DC
Speakers: (Rx)
• Frequency response: 50 Hz - 10 kHz (diffuse fi eld)
• Sensitivity: 90dB +3 dB at 1KHz,
Input0.56V/10mm free fi eld
• Distortion: < 4% @ 1kHz, 0dBm0, 1kHz
• Compliant with EN60950-1
2-year limited hardware

Jumat, 24 Juni 2016

Logitech B525 HD Webcam

Logitech B525 HD Webcam

Logitech B525 HD Webcam, jual Logitech B525 HD Webcam, harga Logitech B525 HD Webcam

Logitech B525 HD Webcam memberikan pengalaman panggilan video HD superior pada harga terjangkau, termasuk 720p kualitas HD, autofocus, 30 fps untuk kelancaran saat panggilan, dan kualitas suara mikrofon yang luar biasa

Logitech B525 HD Webcam, jual Logitech B525 HD Webcam, harga Logitech B525 HD Webcam

Berfungsi baik dengan yang lain

Selain langsung plug-and-play untuk menggunakannya pada software video yang cocok dengan UVC favorit Anda, Logitech B525 HD Webcam juga dioptimalkan untuk Microsoft Lync dan disertifikasi untuk Skype.
Logitech B525 HD Webcam, jual Logitech B525 HD Webcam, harga Logitech B525 HD Webcam

Keunggulan desain untuk bisnis

Dengan kemampuan berputar hingga 360°, posisikan kamera dengan mudahnya pada berbagai sudut pandang, baik untuk panggilan pribadi maupun panggilan dengan banyak pihak Dan jika tidak ingin terlihat, putar kamera membelakangi Anda untuk memperoleh privasi.
Logitech B525 HD Webcam, jual Logitech B525 HD Webcam, harga Logitech B525 HD Webcam

Kualitas HD premium dengan autofocus

720p HD hingga 30 fps dengan autofocus -- gambar akan tetap terlihat tajam dalam high definition, bahkan saat close-up (hingga 10 cm dari lensa kamera).
Logitech B525 HD Webcam, jual Logitech B525 HD Webcam, harga Logitech B525 HD Webcam

Rancangan fold-and-go untuk mobilitas optimal

Desain fold-and-go yang terintegrasi memudahkan Anda mengepak kamera dan membawanya ke mana pun tanpa memerlukan case terpisah – sempurna untuk profesional sibuk yang kerap bepergian.
Logitech B525 HD Webcam, jual Logitech B525 HD Webcam, harga Logitech B525 HD Webcam

Sensor megapiksel 2.0 sejati dengan teknologi RightLight™ 2

Mempertahankan gambar panggilan berkualitas tinggi bahkan di dalam kantor atau ruang konferensi dengan cahaya yang redup.
Logitech B525 HD Webcam, jual Logitech B525 HD Webcam, harga Logitech B525 HD Webcam

Plug-and-play sejati

Tinggal tancapkan Logitech B525 HD Webcam dan jalankan aplikasi untuk memulai panggilan video.
Logitech B525 HD Webcam, jual Logitech B525 HD Webcam, harga Logitech B525 HD Webcam

Keras dan jelas

Mikrofon bawaan memastikan kualitas suara jernih saat konferensi profesional
Logitech B525 HD Webcam, jual Logitech B525 HD Webcam, harga Logitech B525 HD Webcam

Klip universal

Menjepitkan webcam pada monitor LCD atau laptop Anda di mana pun Anda bekerja.
Logitech B525 HD Webcam, jual Logitech B525 HD Webcam, harga Logitech B525 HD Webcam

Jaminan perangkat keras terbatas 3 tahun

Logitech untuk Business mendukung kebutuhan bisnis dengan periode jaminan yang panjang.

BenQ RP6501K

BenQ RP6501K

BenQ RP6501K Interactive Flat Panel dirancang untuk membangun ruang meeting dan ruang pembelajaran yang lebih interkaitf dan kolaboratif, BenQ Interactive Flat Panel sangat sempurna untuk meningkatkan partisipasi rapat dan mendorong kolaborasi peserta. Dengan menggunakan BenQ RP6501K IFP, kegiatan meeting dan pembelajaran Anda akan lebih efektif dan efisien daripada sebelumnya.

Fitur Unggulan :

  • Air-Quality Sensor
  • Anti-Glare
  • Flicker-Free
  • Germ-Resistant Screen
  • 20-Point Multi-Touch Interactivity
  • Resolution 4K UHD 3840×2160 pixels

BenQ RP6501K dilengkapi aplikasi EZWrite 5.0 yang memudahkan Anda untuk berdiskusi dan memungkinkan karyawan maupun siswa berbgai catatan dan ide mereka baik dari kantor maupun rumah. Dengan layanan AMS (Account Management System) ekslusif BenQ, karyawan maupun siswa dapat menyimpan materi di cloud dan mengaksesnya langsung dari Interactive Flat Panel BenQ RP6501K, tanpa perlu laptop atau smartphone.

Sticky Notes
Dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur yang user-friendly, BenQ EZWrite 5.0 adalah solusi anotasi terkemuka yang dapat meningkatkan kolaborasi dan komunikasi selama meeting maupun pembelajaran. Dengan Cloud Whiteboard EZWrite, pengguna dapat mengumpulkan, mengkategorikan, mengedit, dan membagikan catatan antara IFP dan perangkat seluler atau laptop mereka dengan mudah, sehingga mereka dapat memiliki akses ke materi penting mereka di mana saja.

Instant Access to the Cloud
EZWrite 5.0 memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengunduh dan mengunggah file secara langsung ke layanan cloud, seperti Google Drive dan Dropbox. Eksklusif untu EZWrite 5.0, akses cloud yang mudah ini memudahkan pengajar untuk memodifikasi materi mereka dan membawanya kemana-mana.

Dual Pens for Simultaneous Collaboration with Different Colors
BenQ RP6501K dilengkapi dengan pena ganda yang memungkinkan dua pengguna untuk menulis atau menggambar secara bersamaan dengan warna yang berbeda, membuatnya ideal untuk kegiatan pembelajaran maupun meeting yang lebih kolaboratif.

Air-Quality Sensor
Kualitas udara dalam ruangan yang buruk akan mengurangi efesiensi saat belajar maupun meeting dan peserta dapat terpapar pada risiko masalah kesehatan. BenQ RP6501K dilengkapi dengan sensor kualitas udara untuk membantu memantau tingkat konsentrasi CO² di ruang kelas maupun ruang meeting.

Smart Eye-Care Solution
Smart-Eye Care dapat berfungsi secara intuitif dengan bantuan sensor gerak tertanam. Untuk pengalaman menonton yang mulus dan nyaman, BenQ RP6501K IFP akan secara otomatis mengkatifkan fitur Fliker-Free dan Low Blue Light dengan mendeteksi pergerakan pengguna yang dekat dengan layar.

Germ-Resistant Screen
Layar pada BenQ RP6501K IFP sudah anti-kuman dan diperkuat oleh lapisan multilayer dari agen perak ionik nano yang tidak beracun dan bertahan lama yang membunuh sebagian besar kuman yang terakumulasi di permukaan layar dan mencegah infeksi silang atau epidemi di ruang kelas.

Account Management System for Personalized Workspace
BenQ RP6501K Interactive Flat Panel mendukung menajemen multi-akun melalui teknologi NFC, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengakses dan mengelola pengaturan sistem pribadi, network drive, dan ruang penyimpanan cloud mereka secara langsung seperti Google Drive dan Dropbox, hanya dengan memindai kartu NFC yang dirancang BenQ tanpa harus memasukkan kata sandi.

Wireless Solution for Seamless Collaboration
InstaQShare adalah perangkat lunak yang dirancang untuk presentasi dan kolaborasi tanpa kabel selama kegiatan belajar maupun meeting. Hal ini memungkinkan kelancaran streaming visual, file audio dan video dengan kualitas Full HD. Pengguna juga dapat melakukan mirroring dan mengontrol semua konten digital di seluruh perangkat termasuk BenQ IFP, PC, Tablet, dan SmartPhone.

Kamis, 23 Juni 2016

Logitech ConferenceCam Connect

 Logitech ConferenceCam Connect

Logitech ConferenceCam Connect, Jual Logitech ConferenceCam Connect, Harga Logitech ConferenceCam Connect

HD 1080p video and 360o sound meet portability and affordability with the all-in-one Logitech ConferenceCam Connect. Optimized for small workgroups of 1-6, this video conference solution offers multi-device connectivity and sets up in a snap. Now enterprise-quality video, a USB and Bluetooth speakerphone, and wireless screenmirror projection are available in virtually any workspace.

Logitech ConferenceCam Connect, Jual Logitech ConferenceCam Connect, Harga Logitech ConferenceCam Connect

Optimized for workgroups of 1-6 people, the affordable  Logitech ConferenceCam Connect video conference solution offers multi-device connectivity and sets up in a snap to elevate small group collaboration to the next level.

Logitech ConferenceCam Connect, Jual Logitech ConferenceCam Connect, Harga Logitech ConferenceCam Connect

 Logitech ConferenceCam Connect offers a generous 90o fild of view with digital pan,mechanical tilt, 4x digital Full HD zoom, and ZEISS® optics with autofocus. The mobile speakerphone features Bluetooth® wireless technology, Near Field Communication (NFC), and USB. With true 360o sound, users can hear and be heard within a 12-foot diameter range while acoustic echo and noise-cancelling technology delivers conversational realism.

Logitech ConferenceCam Connect, Jual Logitech ConferenceCam Connect, Harga Logitech ConferenceCam Connect

For ultimate flxibility in the Anywhere Workplace,  Logitech ConferenceCam Connect runs on battery or AC power and features certifiations from Microsoft®, Cisco®, and Skype™ to ensure broad-based UC compatibilit

Rabu, 22 Juni 2016

Logitech Webcam C930e

Logitech Webcam C930e 

The Logitech Webcam C930e features the widest-ever field-of-view in a business webcam — 90-degrees — and is the first with HD 1080p H.264/SVC UVC 1.5 encoding, the newest technology that frees up PC bandwidth with on-camera video-processing. With pan, tilt and zoom functions and RightLight™ 2 technology, this webcam delivers the most professional desktop video collaboration experience yet.

Features Logitech Webcam C930e :
• HD 1080p video quality at 30 frames-per-second
• H.264 with scalable video coding (SVC) and UVC 1.5 encoding technology
• 90-degree diagonal field of view • Logitech RightLight™ 2 technology and autofocus
• 4X digital zoom in Full HD
• Pan, tilt and zoom option controlled by software
• ZEISS® glass lens
• Convenient privacy shutter
• Plug-and-play USB connectivity
• Multiple mounting options

Logitech Group

Logitech GROUP

Jual Logitech Group, Harga Logitech Group

Logitech GROUP, the amazingly affordable video conferencing system for mid to large-size conference rooms, allows any meeting place to be a video collaboration space. USB plug-and-play connectivity makes Logitech GROUP a breeze to deploy and use. It works within your own familiar computing environment with any video conferencing software application.

Razor sharp video and a beautifully designed full-duplex speakerphone deliver an outstanding collaboration experience. Simply connect a laptop and start a meeting, or use the state-of-theart speakerphone with a Bluetooth® wireless technology enabled mobile device for professional quality audio calls.

Jual Logitech Group, Harga Logitech Group

Video Conferencing Elevated.
Logitech GROUP, our video conferencing solution for groups of 14–20 people, delivers high quality HD video and crystal clear audio, allowing any meeting place to be a video collaboration space. With advanced features like acoustic echo cancelation, noise reduction, and intuitive controls now it’s easier than ever to include everyone in the conversation.

Jual Logitech Group, Harga Logitech Group

Video Collaboration Made Simple.
USB plug-and-play connectivity makes Logitech GROUP easy to use. Simply connect a laptop to conduct life-like meetings within your own familiar computing environment for use with any video conferencing software application. Plus, you can use the state-of-the-art speakerphone with a Bluetooth wireless technology enabled mobile device for professional quality audio calls.

Jual Logitech Group, Harga Logitech Group

Our Meeting Space. Your Way.
Logitech GROUP offers the flexibility to customize conference room set-up with multiple camera mounting options. Use the camera on the table or mount it on the wall with included hardware. The bottom of the camera has a standard tripod thread for added versatility. Conference participants can clearly converse within a 6m/20-foot diameter around the base, or extend the range to 8.5m/28-foot with optional expansion mics.

Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

Revolabs Executive Elite Wireless Microphone Systems

Revolabs Executive Elite Wireless Microphone Systems

Jual Revolabs Executive Elite, Jual wireless microphone systems

Revolabs Executive Elite wireless microphone systems are the latest products in the Revolabs family of boardroom and conference room audio solutions. Architected to support deployments requiring increased number of microphones, they provide enhanced integration with room control systems, leverage a distributed architecture for straightforward, trouble-free installations, and facilitate remote management capabilities. Finally, the Executive Elite products feature the superior audio quality required for exceptional audio and video conferencing.

Utilizing a distributed architecture, Revolabs Executive Elite wireless microphone systems separates the remote antenna receiver unit from the Executive Elite base digital signal-processing (DSP) unit. A standard CAT5e or CAT6 cable supporting Power over Ethernet (PoE) connects the antenna receiver and base DSP unit, enabling simplified distributed or in-room installations. Whether ceiling- or wall-mounted, the remote antenna receiver unit can be placed in the room with the wireless microphones, regardless of the location of the receiver base DSP unit. Revolabs Executive Elite wireless microphone systems support up to four or eight microphones and employ Revolabs OTA™ technology. Revolabs OTA technology enables receivers in relative proximity to one another to synchronize automatically, thus allowing deployments of multiple Revolabs Executive Elite receivers to optimize usage of the available audio channels. In North America, South America, and Japan, 44 microphones and more can be used in one room or area.

In Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia, Executive Elite receivers can support 76 or more microphones in one area. The distributed architecture serves to further support deployments requiring significant numbers of microphones for audio and unified communication applications, especially in managed environments.
Revolabs Executive Elite wireless microphone systems is easy to integrate, as it supports the AVB standard for digital audio and analog audio inputs and outputs, as well as an open control interface for room control systems.
Jual Revolabs Executive Elite, Jual wireless microphone systems

The Executive Elite system pairs exclusively with the full suite of Revolabs Executive Elite wireless microphone systems and adapters. The suite includes omnidirectional, directional, gooseneck (6-inch and 12-inch variations), and wearable microphones as well as a TA4 (mini XLR) adapter and XLR adapter. Microphones and adapters can be mixed and matched to suit the user’s deployment requirements. The Revolabs Executive Elite wireless microphone systems introduce new and improved audio capabilities enabling significantly enhanced audio pickup, improved signal-to-noise ratio, and expanded digital signal communication over the wireless link. Combined with Revolabs “Designed for Speech” technology, the Executive Elite microphones provide the highest quality audio for any communication application.

Best of all, the Executive Elite microphones are extremely easy to use. Participants simply remove the microphone from the charger, un-mute the microphone, and begin speaking. Whether in a boardroom, collaboration room, classroom, lecture hall, broadcast application, or other enterprise environment, Revolabs Executive Elite wireless microphone systems allows for easy, “untangled” audio via a flexible wireless solution adaptable to any of today’s complex communication requirements.

To simplify system integration and system administration tasks, Revolabs Executive Elite wireless microphone systems provides several local, remote and cloud-based system management interfaces. The base DSP unit’s display provides administrators with information on microphone status, audio and radio signal strength, and system performance. The local Web-based interface also allows both installers and system administrators to manage the system locally by connecting a laptop or tablet directly to the base DSP unit via USB or the network. The enhanced integration capabilities supporting third-party room control systems enable management of the audio behavior in the room from a single console. For remote management, including third-party managed installations, the Revolabs Executive Elite wireless microphone systems offers a cloud-based management environment that provides information and management for all Revolabs Executive Elite customer-specific installations on a single screen.

Revolabs Executive Elite wireless microphone systems ensures that private communication stays private by supporting the highest standards in security.

Revolabs FLX UC 1500

Revolabs FLX UC 1500

Jual Revolabs FLX UC 1500, Harga Revolabs FLX UC 1500

Revolabs FLX UC 1500 VoIP & Softphone Conference, Extended.

Larger conference rooms in the enterprise require additional microphones at the ends of the table to

ensure quality call performance. Current solutions for this scenario involve connecting multiple units foradditional speaker output and microphone input, which increases the overall system footprint for a minorimprovement in audio quality.The Revolabs FLX UC 1500 provides the answer for the larger conference room by building off thespeakerphone capability of the FLX UC 1000 IP & USB Conference phone with two additional directionalmicrophones.The Revolabs FLX UC 1500 integrated SIP technology works in all major telephony environments, whether on premise or in the cloud, and supports all market-leading IP PBX’s. In addition, the Revolabs FLX UC 1500 easily integrates with your choice of 3rd party PC applications for collaboration and conferencing. A key benefit of this integration is that the Revolabs FLX UC 1500  is capable of bridging VoIP Calls and calls via 3rd party softphone applications – allowing your team to communicate using the best medium for collaboration.The Revolabs FLX UC 1500 offers the most extensible solution for USB, VoIP, and Conference Bridging for Enterprise Conferencing and Collaboration.

FILLS THE CONFERENCE ROOM WITH HIGH QUALITYSPEAKER SOUNDIn conference rooms sized for up to 18 people, speaker audio can be heard by every meeting participant; the Revolabs FLX UC 1500 powerful speaker can fill the entire conference room with audio.

COMPLETE ROOM MICROPHONE COVERAGEEvery word by the meeting participants is picked up and transmitted to the far end due to the complete 360° coverage of the four built-in directional microphones and additional directional microphones.

FULL DUPLEXParticipants can communicate naturally as if they are in the same room, and the technology in the Revolabs FLX UC 1500 supports simultaneous audio play back and audio capture ensuring every word is heard.

INTEGRATED ECHO CANCELLATIONThe meeting participant speaking has his audio picked up and transmitted clearly; built-in digital signal processing separates out the speech of the meeting participant, room noise, and audio from the speaker of the device to ensure only the correct audio is transmitted to the far end. Real discussions betweenconference participants are finally possible.

INTUITIVE DIALER WITH FULL COLOR GRAPHICS DISPLAYThe keypad provides quick access to the key calling features:On-Hook, Off-Hook, Volume Up/Down, Mute, Redial, and Main Menu, with additional context-dependent soft keys, navigational buttons, and telephone keypad for ease of use and dialing. The intuitive dialer boasts an easy to use, icon-based menu system on the full color graphics display.

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2016

Logitech Logi Circle Wireless HD Video Security Camera

Logitech Logi Circle

Jual Logitech Logi Circle, Harga Logitech Logi Circle

Logitech Logi Circle Portable Wireless Video Monitoring Camera with : Circle is the intelligent home security camera that keeps you connected to home with a seamless app experience, intelligent portable design and easy-to-connect Wi-Fi capability. Instantly monitor every important moment at home – at night, from work or away on vacation – right on your smart device in beautiful HD video. So whether it's family and pet moments or home security, you never miss a thing.

Feature Logitech Logi Circle

60-second setupUse the free Logitech Logi Circle iOS and Android mobile apps to setup, check in, watch recaps, and customize settings. Connect as many cameras as you want.

  • Unlimited 1080p HD streaming
    See what’s happening at home at all times with unlimited, 1080p HD with a 135-degree wide-angle glass lens.
  • Night Vision
    See clearly in the dark up to 15 feet.
  • Free 24-hour secure cloud storage*Replay your content up to 24 hours from your private cloud— even if your camera is stolen your data is safe.*Additional cloud storage subscription options coming soon
  • Portable and rechargeable
    With up to 12 hours of battery life, move Circle off the charging ring as needed to watch the kids play downstairs or upstairs.
  • Talk and Listen
    Built-in speaker and mic let you join the family dinner or listen if the new puppy is barking.
  • 30-second Timelapse
    Video See any or every moment in the last 24 hours of home in a 30-second video. It's your Day Brief, created on demand.
  • Advanced Motion Filtering
    Logitech Logi Circle identifies important motion so you can scan and replay interesting clips and never miss what matters.
  • Smart alerts, not spam
    Get instant alerts to your mobile device when there’s important activity at home, like someone opening a door not a fan blowing.
  • Replay, download and share clipsCapture important moments like baby’s first steps or a stranger at the door. Keep and share these clips directly from your phone.

Revolabs xTag™ USB Wireless Microphone System

Revolabs xTag USB Wireless Microphone 

Jual Revolabs xTag™ USB Wireless Microphone System, Mic USB

Tired of being chained to your workstation when dictating records or attending a Web meeting? Break free with the Revolabs xTag™ USB wireless microphone system, designed specifically to provide USB audio for both PC and Mac users without the need to wear a headset or bulky transmitter. Combining receiver and charger functionality in one sleek device, Revolabs xTag™’s compact charger base connects to the computer via the USB port. The plug-and-play unit is set up in seconds without the hassle of installing drivers.

The complete Revolabs xTag™ USB system includes a wearable Revolab xTag™ wireless microphone, charger base, earpiece with volume control, and a quick-release lanyard so it can be conveniently worn around the neck.
  • Flexibility: Earpiece allows for use as both a microphone and headset.
  • Simple Set-Up: Plug-and-play without the need to install drivers.
  • Convenience: Charges through the computer’s USB port.
  • Crystal-Clear Audio: Be heard with spoken word clarity.
  • No GSM Interference: Revolabs wireless microphones are impervious to GSM noise from other wireless electronic devices.
  • Secure: 128-bit encryption for HIPAA compliance.
  • The Freedom of Wireless: Cut the cord for the freedom of mobility during Skype™ calls, Web meetings, recording, dictations, and more.

Kamis, 16 Juni 2016

Revolab FLX UC 1000 IP & USB Conference Phone

Revolab FLX UC 1000



The full-color dialer boasts an easy to use, icon based menu system. The keypad provides quick access to the key calling features: On-Hook, Off-Hook, Volume Up/Down, Mute, Redial, and access to the main menu. The context dependent soft keys, navigational buttons, and telephone keypad make the experience of using the UC 1000 right out of the box, simple and intuitive.

The UC 1000 offers the best solution for USB, VoIP, and Conference Bridging for Enterprise Conferencing and Collaboration.
In conference rooms for up to 10 people, speaker audio can be heard by every meeting participant; the UC 1000’s powerful speaker can fillthe entire conference room with audio.

In conference rooms for up to 10 people, speaker audio can be heard by every meeting participant; the UC 1000’s powerful speaker can fillthe entire conference room with audio.
Every word by the meeting participants is picked up and transmitted to the far end due to the complete 360° coverage of the four embedded directional microphones.
Participants can communicate naturally as if they are in the same room; the technology in the UC 1000 supports simultaneous audio play back and audio capture, ensuring every word is heard.
The meeting participant speaking has his audio picked up and transmitted clearly; built-in digital signal processing separates out the
speech of the meeting participant, room noise, and audio from the speaker of the device to ensure only the correct audio is transmitted to the far end. Real discussions between conference participants are finally possible.

speech of the meeting participant, room noise, and audio from the speaker of the device to ensure only the correct audio is transmitted to the far end. Real discussions between conference participants are finally possible.

Enterprise Conferencing needs have expanded beyond just VoIP calling to include softphone, messenger, and video conferencing applications.
Current audio solutions for the enterprise are disjointed, requiring a separate conference phone for IP communications and a USB conference phone for softphone, webinar, and computer-based collaboration. These solutions are cumbersome and inconvenient for meeting participants and IT managers, requiring switching between devices to make a call as well as manage multiple solutions in a conference room.

The Revolabs FLX™ UC 1000 sets the new standard for enterprise conferencing and collaboration by combining a VoIP phone with USB conference calling. With integrated SIP technology, the UC 1000 works in all major telephony environments, whether on premise or in the cloud, and connects to all market-leading IP PBX’s. In addition, the UC 1000 easily integrates with your choice of 3rd party conferencing applications. A key benefit of this integration is that the UC 1000 is capable of bridging VoIP and 3rd party softphone calls, allowing your team to communicate using the best medium for collaboration.